Raises head; can lift chin up from the floor or bed | 1 month |
Raises chest up off the floor or bed | 2 months |
Sits up with adult support | 2.5 months |
Bats at objects; cannot accurately grasp them | 3 months |
Turns head toward sounds, smiles back when you smile at them | 4 months |
Reaches for and grasps objects | 6 months |
Relates to people with joy, babbles when happy or cries when unhappy | 6 months |
Sits alone steadily | 6.5 months |
Stands with adult support | 8 months |
Exchange back-and-forth smiles and sounds, smiles while looking at you | 9 months |
Stands up holding onto furniture | 9 months |
Stands alone | 11 months |
Makes sounds like ma, ba, da; turns head toward you when his/her name is called; waves | 12 months |
Walks alone | 12 months |
Climbs stairs | 13 months |
Makes sounds and points or uses other "showing" gestures to draw attention to something | 15 months |
Exchanges with you back-and-forth smiles, sounds and gestures; has at least 3 words | 15 months |
Uses and understands at least 10 words, uses at least 4 different consonants like m,n,p,b,t,d | 18 months |
Uses lots of gestures with words; shows that he or she knows body parts or familiar people | 18 months |
Understands at least 50 words and can use at least 2 words together, like "Want juice" | 24 months |
Shows interest in playing with children and can pretend play, like feeding a doll | 24 months |
Walks down the stairs with both feet on each step | 26 months |
Can answer what, where and who questions, and talk about interests and feelings | 36 months |
Enjoys playing with children and can pretend to be different characters or talk for dolls | 36 months |
Uses thoughts with speech in a way that makes sense, "baby hungry, feed bottle" | 36 months |